APPEALS is a six-year project expected to run between 2017 and 2023. Lagos APPEALS will enhance the agricultural productivity of small and medium-scale farmers based in Lagos and improve value addition in Poultry, Aquaculture, and Rice. Agro-Processing, Productivity Enhancement and Livelihood Support (APPEALS), is a World Bank-assisted project, implemented through the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Systems and Rural Development in six participating states of Cross River, Enugu, Kaduna, Kano, Kogi, and Lagos.
Project Development Objectives (PDO)
The objective of the project is to enhance the agricultural productivity of small and medium-scale farmers and improve value addition along priority value chains in the Participating States.
The PDO will be achieved through supporting farmers’ productivity and their linkage to markets, facilitating the consolidation of agricultural products and cottage processing, facilitating farmers and small and medium businesses’ clustering and connection to an infrastructure network and business services, providing technical assistance (TA) and institutional support both to beneficiaries, federal and state governments in value chain development. Increased productivity, production, and improving processing and marketing of the targeted value chains are expected to foster job creation along value chains.
The project support will focus on priority value chains as identified in Agricultural Promotion Policy-The Green Alternative (APP-2016-2020), through facilitating business alliances, promotion of greater farmers-agri-business linkages, and support to critical infrastructure in value chain development. Priority value chains selected from the APP long list for the purpose of project support are:
Direct Beneficiaries
Project direct beneficiaries are estimated at 60,000 individuals (i.e. 10,000 beneficiaries per state) translating into 300,000 farm household members
Gender Consideration
It is anticipated that 35 percent of the total direct beneficiaries will be women. The project has a dedicated sub-component to benefit women and youth that will allow them to develop agri-business that is expected to create jobs and improve their livelihoods.
Consideration for People Living with Disability
At least 10% of beneficiaries will be People Living with Disability (PWD).
Key Achievements towards Project Development Objective:
The State has continued to make efforts in major areas of intervention to farmers groups, Entrepreneurs, Women, Youths, and Persons with Disability during the reporting period. The identification and verification of potential project beneficiaries had continued, working with the Field Specialists/ Extension Officers of the State Agricultural Development Authority across the Local Government Areas of the State. The screening and final selection process of 1790 candidates for the WYEP inclusive of Persons with Disability and Special Needs (PWDSN) were concluded during the period. The first and second batch of WYEP beneficiaries comprising 350 and 320 persons respectively had a 2 weeks training in the 2 approved Training Institutes It is evident that farmers are already trying new technologies introduced to them in order to enhance their productivity and improve value addition especially in the Poultry and Rice value chains.
The project had a workshop for farmers on e-marking to create online marketing of their products, the project also established Eko APPEALS Connect an online platform to market farmers’ produce by uploading their product images with unique login details given to them. This opportunity is available to farmers who are registered with the project. Other eligible farmers are advised to come and register with us to benefit from e-marketing and many other opportunities the project is offering.
For details on eligibility criteria visit ===> Learning center ==> FAQ.
The project has commenced its Radio program to educate farmers tagged APPEALS Half Hour aired on EKO 89.75FM every Wednesday @1:30pm Pidgin version while the Yoruba version is aired on 107.5FM every Monday @4.05pm.