Lagos State Ministry of Agriculture and Food Systems – Official website

Forestry Services Department

Forestry Services Department

The Lagos State Department of Forestry is a Department of government under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Systems. Lagos State has a total land area of 3,577km. (357,700 ha). The total Forested area is estimated to 715.4km(71540ha) out of which 5,220ha is a Gazette forest reserve. Other areas are designated for conservation, wetlands. The Department is responsible for all Forestry activities in the state. These include Logging/ Timber processing, Soil conservation, and wildlife management, tree and ornamental seedlings productions. 
An estimated 30% of all the logs produced in the country are brought to Lagos either as round logs on water and land or as processed planks that end up in the Sawmills and plank markets.
These woods are used in the huge construction and furniture industries of the state, the housing sector, pulp, and paper industry, and other sub-industries. The state forest estate is also home to both terrestrial and aquatic wildlife which includes elephants, grasscutter/ grasscutter, Dukers, crocodiles, manatee, birds, civets cats, squirrels, peas monkeys, mamas monkeys, etc.. Some of these animals are managed in capture centers such as Qbrat zoo’s in Badagry, Origin zoo’s and gardens in Ikorodu, Omu Resort at Bogije, Lagos Urban Forestry and Wildlife Centre (LUFAWC)
  • Indigenous tree species include Khaya Seneglensis (Lagos Mahogany) Neem (Dongoyaro) agora, cashew, eucalyptus, etc.
  • The largest Timber processing center and market in West Africa is located at Oko Baba, Ebute Meta. There are over sixty various plank markets located across the state to service the various wood demand in the different industries. 
  • Contact the Forestry Services Department at:
    Mr. Augustine Ameyinkpo Hunpe