To strengthen agricultural production systems and facilitate access to market for small and medium scale commercial farmers engaged in targeted agricultural value chains including Aquaculture, Rice, Poultry, Cocoa, Dairy, Fruit trees, Maize, Oil Palm in the 5 participating states including Lagos State. The other States are Cross River, Enugu, Kaduna, and Kano.
VC for Lagos: Poultry, Aquaculture, and Rice
- Production
- Volume of Sales
- Yield
- Adoption level for Productivity enhanced technologies
- Reduction in Travel time and Cost
- Improved Access to Market and Market Information etc
- Agricultural Production and Commercialization
- Rural Infrastructure
- Project Management, Monitoring, and Evaluation
335 CIGs (3548 farmers) – IP value N1.308 billion with IDA value of N721.671 million
94 CIG/ Investors (728 farmers) IP cost –N709.366 million with IDA cost of N358.932 million
315 WYEP beneficiaries – 100% IDA (N813.822 million)
Others have benefitted through the provision of direct Capacity building both within and outside the country; provision of services including assess to improved market information
– 29 proven technologies in the value chains of Poultry, Aquaculture, and Rice had been pushed and adopted
– The project rehabilitated 2 No Post Harvest Centers in rice processing in the State as part of its effort to support the initiatives of the State through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Systems & Cooperatives.
– 16 Roads and 10 Rural Energy Interventions were done
– A total of 7.288 MT of smoked fish was exported since project inception. These markets include some African restaurants abroad (the UK, USA, etc).
– The wide adoption of Nipple Fitted Battery Cages and Transport Cages for live birds by project beneficiaries under the Poultry Value Chain has reduced the bird’s mortality by over 15%, egg production has increased, cost of veterinary services has reduced just as the incidence of broken eggs has declined significantly.
– The use of improved agronomic practices through the adoption of the System for Rice Intensification (SRI) has improved the yield of rice from 1 MT/ Ha in 2009 to between 2.5 to over 4 MT/ Ha at the project closure. (USAID MARKET, 2011). Reduced quantity of rice seed / Ha from 60Kg to between 8-10 Kg/ Ha (85% reduction in price and quantity).
– Promotion of FIIRO improved smoking kiln helped in achieving very low Benzopyrene level. Time for smoking 100-150kg reduced from 2 days to 8 hours
– Land cultivated to rice increased from less than 1 Ha baseline to between 1.8 Ha and 2.8 Ha while some were already cultivating as much as 14 Ha at project closure
– Production, Processing, and marketing of fish had increased tremendously as a result of project intervention. Similarly, egg production, as well as yield, had climaxed with yield going up as much as 88% – over 90% performance.
– A total of 14,242 Jobs were created directly under the value chains
– The aquaculture value chain contributed 10.76% to Lagos’s Agricultural GDP.
– The average income and profit margin of farmers increased by 33.8% and 43.2% respectively especially for Poultry farmers after the project
– Cost of transportation decreased from N750.82 to N450.84 per metric ton per km (40%)
– Average waiting time for transport reduced by 50%
– The mortality rate of chicks was reduced by 83.3% while egg breakages per tray decreased by 75%
– There are evidence of business reinvigoration and springing up of new businesses: drinks depots, guest houses/ hotels, new artisan activities, new schools, new farms, veterinary service shops, transport services, religious and other social centers as a result of road intervention.
– The level of poverty is lower among the beneficiaries and in contrast to the non-beneficiaries
– There was a progressive increase in the adoption of improved technologies among beneficiaries